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  • San Diego-December 2-3
  • Maryland-February 3-4

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    Chef Nicole has a facinating answer.
    The Business of Doing Business as a Personal Chef©

    JOIN US IN...

    NY/NJ/CT  Sep 16-17

    L'Academie de Cuisine (Maryland)
    October 28-29, 2006

    Chicago-November 11-12
    San Diego-December 2-3

    L'Academie de Cuisine (Maryland)
    February 3-4, 2007

    Call 800-644-8389
    to register for a Seminar
    or register online at:

    Click here to order you Personal Chef Training Program thru Secure Online.

    Many people learn better and faster in a classroom-style environment. If you want the ultimate in "how to" then the live seminar might be the answer for you.

    Join other new and established members for an instructor-led two-day seminar session that digs deep into the The Professional Personal Chef Training Manual and provides the greatest level of detail and interraction you can get! At the completion of your learning sessions, you'll receive an APCA Seminar Certificate of Course Completion.

    Here's a testimonial letter from a recent attendee:

    If you are SERIOUS about this business, you must make the investment in enrolling in this seminar. If you've already purchased your training materials, the additional cost to attend a seminar is not that much (Just call Candy and ask!). There is NOTHING like getting together with experienced PCs (Jim Davis conducted and Wendy Perry visited), along with other new PC's--to sit down, face- to-face with "Experience" and hammer out all those questions you have (packaging, procedure, marketing, etc., etc., and yes--those insecurities too! There's no way to ever put all this into a training manual. Each of us are different, and we, therefore, will want to run our businesses differently. The seminar helps you "run with it."
    The forums are WONDERFUL, however, the one-on-one is priceless!
    Jim and Wendy, heartfelt thanks once again.

    Carol Borchardt
    A Thought For Food

    . . . and P.S. Candy Wallace - You impress the daylights out of me! There are NOT many heads of major organizations that are SO accessible. Every time I've dialed the 1-800 number, Candy has answered! Most other places you get the freakin . . . "If you want this, press 1, for this press 2." And then there's the e-mail response! Thanks for the wonderful example!

    You will have the opportunity to:

              • go through the entire training program "one bite at a time" with highly
                detailed explanations and industry insights

              • ask specific questions of your instructor, and apply your knowlege to your
                specific business needs.

              • gain confidence, cameraderie and further insight by interracting with
                other new and established personal chefs

    After the seminar ends on Day Two, take the opportunity to meet with successful Personal Chefs in the local area chapter!

    Seminars are held regularly and locations vary, so look for a seminar coming up near you soon.

    Check our latest schedule below,  and be prepared to attend the seminar that will leave you with the interractive information and inspiration to supercharge your new or established Personal Chef service! The fees for this wonderful training experience is $995.

    American Personal Chef Association
    4572 Delaware Street
    San Diego, CA 92116

    All rights reserved. © American Personal Chef Association 1996-2006
    Updated April 16, 2006